Doctoral Consortium session

We are pleased to inform that the Doctoral Consortium session will take place in the afternoon session on December 10, 2014.

The list of accepted papers is as follows:

Johannes Scharf.
rOWLer – A hybrid rule engine for legal reasoning

Alessandra Malerba.
Argumentation Schemes as an Effective Tool in Cases of Double Taxation

Javed Ahmed.
Privacy Protection Model for Online Social Networks

Cristiana Santos.
Enhancing the Decision Making Process through Relevant Legal Information in Consumer Law Disputes – a Case Study in Air Transport Passenger Rights

Marco Giacalone.
Alternative Cross-Border Dispute Resolutions, from the Past to New Computational Methods (IT Realities)

Robert Muthuri, Guido Boella and Joris Hulstijn.
Augmenting Legal Knowledge Management with Model-Based Compliance Patterns.


Due to various reasons, amongst which numerous requests, and after a long debate, we have decided to extend the JURIX 2014 deadline until next Friday September 12, at 23:59 UTC-09:00 (that is Hawaii Daylight-Saving time). We look forward to your submissions!

Rinke Hoekstra (and Michał Araszkiewicz)


Prof. dr Pieter Adriaans speaks at JURIX 2014

We are pleased to inform that Prof.dr. Pieter Adriaans, professor of Learning and Adaptive Systems at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation and Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam and painter, will deliver an invited talk during JURIX 2014.

The topic of Pieter Adriaans’ talk will be specified soon.

“I still believe in the old Renaissance ideal of the universal man, not in the sense of knowing everything about everything but as the ambition to understand universal structures from different perspectives. The study of the category of information forms a unifying paradigm between science and the humanities. Art, science and business, all deal with information. Understanding the concept of information is one of the main scientific challenges of our time.”


Slonim speaks at JURIX 2014

We are pleased to inform that one of the invited speakers at JURIX 2014 is Noam Slonim (PhD), Senior Research Staff Member at the Analytics Department at IBM.

The anticipated topic of Noam’s talk is: “IBM debating technologies”.
Noam completed his PhD at the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation (ICNC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, working in the Machine Learning lab, and focusing on the development of Information Theoretic methods that since then were widely applied to the analysis of textual data. During his PhD Noam received the Best Paper Award at UAI 2001, the Best Paper Award at ECIR 2001, and the Best Presentation Award at SIGIR 2000.

After that, Noam spent four years as a postdoc at the Department of Physics at Princeton University, working in the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, mainly on the development and application of novel techniques to the analysis of genomics data.

After his postdoc Noam joined the IBM Haifa Research Lab at 2007, as a Research Staff Member, and since then led various Machine Learning and Text analytics projects, that were recognized by several IBM awards, including an IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award.

Since 2011, Noam serves as the IBM Research Technical Lead of the IBM Grand
Challenge, entitled “IBM Debating Technologies”.

Jagiellonian University, Kraków