Thursday December 16
9:00 Registration opens * Page
09.30-09.45 Opening Remarks
Radboud Winkels v
Katie Atkinson
9.45-11.00 Paper Session 1: Formal models of legal reasoning
9.45-10.15 Trevor Bench-Capon and Henry Prakken F 27
A Lightweight Formal Model of Two-Phase Democratic Deliberation
10.15-10.45 Michał Araszkiewicz F 7
Balancing of Legal Principles and Constraint Satisfaction
10.45-11.10 Coffee Break    
11.10-12.00 Paper Session 2: Legal Reasoning with Time
11.10-11.30 Monica Palmirani, Guido Governatori and Giuseppe Contissa S 159
Temporal Dimensions in Rules Modelling
11.30-12.00 Clara Smith, Antonino Rotolo and Giovanni Sartor F 107
Representations of Time Within Normative MAS
12.00-13.00 Invited Address    
  prof. Wiebe van der Hoek I 3
  Head of Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool    
  Reasoning About Normative Systems    
13.00-14.30 Lunch    
14.30-16.00 Paper Session 3: Access to Sources of Law
14.30-15.00 Giacomo Bartoloni and Enrico Francesconi F 17
Sharing Knowledge by Conceptual Mapping: The Case of EU Thesaural Interoperability
15.00-15.30 Rinke Hoekstra, Arno Lodder and Frank van Harmelen F 77
Case Frames as Contextual Mappings to Case Law in BestPortal
15.30-16.00 Marc van Opijnen F 97
Canonicalizing Complex Case Law Citations
16.00-16.30 Tea Break    
16.30-17.30 Paper Session 4: Formal Models of Legal Reasoning
16.30-17.00 Alexander Boer and Tom van Engers F 47
Generic Problem Solving Tasks and Agent Roles in Public Administration
17.00-17.30 Matthias Grabmair and Kevin D. Ashley F 67
Argumentation with Value Judgments – An Example of Hypothetical Reasoning
17.30-17.50 Daniel Gorín, Sergio Mera and Fernando Schapachnik S 151
Model Checking Legal Documents
17.50 Close of the Day    
19.00-22.00 Conference Dinner    
* I = invited address; F = full paper; S = short paper